Gen Z: What is important for brand names

November 15, 2023

Part 1 of the Nomen Gen Z study:

Gen Z in focus: How brand names can attract their attention ?

Generation Z, those born between 1995 and 2010, is currently revolutionising the rules of marketing. According to Nielsen, this is because the group have a yearly purchasing power of  3 trillion US Dollars. Globally, they are comprised of around 2.5 billion people, which is more than 30% of the total world population.

In November 2023 Nomen conducted a qualitative study, looking at how Gen Z behaves towards brand names. It analyses their wishes, expecations and requirements of brand names and aims to use its findings to help marketing professionals target this consumer group even more effectively with brands.

The results presented in the following series of topics relate to investigations and studies that are available online. They were supplemented by NOMEN focus groups of Gen Z in Germany, France, the UK and the USA. They revealed a great deal of openness towards strong brand names. But what requirements must brands fulfil in order to attract the attention of Gen Z?

The power of social networks

According to Nielsen data, Gen Z engages with brands most frequently through social networks, 59% more often than the general population. This emphasies the need for brands to be present on social media and strategically plan their brand names. A thoughtful social media approach can help capture the attention of this generation group and build long term bonds.

8 seconds that count

The attention span of Gen Z is only 8 seconds, 4 seconds less than the older millennials. This means that brand names must be concise, easily to understand and appealing in order to leave a lasting impression within this short time span. Creative and memorable names are therefore crucial to effectively appeal to Gen Z.

Influencers as name multipliers

More than 50% of Gen Z are influenced by influencers when buying products. This shows that working together with influencers can bring not only the product but also the brand name into focus. Choosing influencers who represent the values and preferences of Gen Z strengthens the credibility of the brand name and can lead to increased attention.

Mobile devices as brand platforms

With over 30 hours per week on their mobile devices, Gen Z spend more time online than any other generation. Brand names must therefore be mobile friendly and intergrate well in a digital environment. Creative wordplay, easy to remember abbreviations or innovative letter combinations can help to ensure that the brand name remains memorable on Gen Z’s small screens.  

Brand names today – thinking globally

As Gen Z has grown up in a global environment, English brand names are widely used and accepted. Brand names should be internationally flawless to avoid misunderstandings. Gen Z is open to linguistic hybridity, and brand names can combine different languages and cultural elements to create a global and diverse appeal.

Conclusion: Getting to the point

Gen Z is a target group that appreciates quick, clear and creative messages. Brand names must capture their attention within seconds whilst conveying authenticity and relevance. By utilising social media, influencer involvement and a global perspective, the brand name can not only be heard, but also loved. In the next section, we’ll take a closer look at why authenticity in naming is crucial for Gen Z.