Gen Z: What is important for brand names

November 28, 2023

Part 2 of the Nomen Gen Z study:

Authenticity and Gen Z: Why sincere brand names matter

In the second part of the journey through the world of Gen Z and their brand name preferences, the qualitative study conducted by NOMEN in November 2023 is dedicated to authenticity and why the right brand name is relevant in this context.

Gen Z’s claim to authenticity

Gen Z is more critical than previous generations, especially when it comes to brand names. The requirement for an appealing brand personality is a must. A consistent example of this is Apple, which not only stands for innovative products, but also for an authentic brand experience. Gen Z generally favours brands that reflect their values.

Authenticity creates trust

According to another study 82% of Gen Z trust companies more when they use real customers in their advertising. This means that brand names not only need to be creative and memorable, but should also have a real connection to the target group. Authenticity in naming means that the brand delivers on the promise it makes. Otherwise, this could lead to a controversy, as Gen Z has a clear expectation of honesty and quality.

Authenticity vs Originality

While originality in naming is important, it is clear that authenticity is an even more crucial criterion for Gen Z. Authentic brands are characterised by credible sources, fact-checked stories and a long, trustworthy history. Originality alone is not enough; Gen Z is looking for brands that embody values such as honesty, originality, trust and quality.

Foto von Malik Skydsgaard auf Unsplash
Foto von Malik Skydsgaard auf Unsplash

Brand personality as keys

An appealing brand personality is the key to connecting with Gen Z. Brand names should tell a story that aligns with the values and interests of Generation Z. This can be achieved by integrating socio-political themes, environmental issues or social responsibility (e.g. Patagonia).

Conclusion: Authenticity as a success factor

In the world of Gen Z, authenticity is more than just a trend – it is a decisive success factor. Brand names must be creative and original whilst also establishing a genuine connection to the values and beliefs of Generation Z. In the next section, we will take a closer look at the role of emotional connections to brand names and the loyalty of Gen Z.

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