Gen Z: What is important for brand names

December 5, 2023

Part 3 of the Nomen study:

Emotional connected with brand names: The keys to loyalty

Third stage of our journey into the world of Gen Z and their preferences when it comes to brand names: Here, the qualitative study conducted by NOMEN in November 2023 dives into the importance of emotional connections and why they are the key to Generation Z loyalty.

The power of emotions

Gen Z remains loyal to brands with which they feel an emotional connection (e.g. TikTok, Instagram, Nike). Unlike older generations, Gen Z is more likely to share their experiences with friends and family than with the general public. This presents a huge opportunity for brands to create understanding, support and closeness by openly addressing Gen Z’s problems.

Identification figures and projects

Brands can create strong emotional connections by using identification figures. One example of this is Deutsche Telekom, which uses Billie Eilish as an identification figure in the “Project Futureproof”. This project supports young people in finding answers to their future representation on the labour market. Through such partnerships, brands not only create opportunities for identification, but also show that they are interested in the concerns and issues of Gen Z.

Experiences are shared

Gen Z like to share their experiences with friends and family. Brands can capitalise on this by creating positive experiences and strengthen their presence on social networks. Authentic and open communication on social media can contribute towards building a stronger emotional connection.

Projects and initiatives with meaning

Emotional connections also arise through projects and initiatives that create added social value. Brands that engage with social, environmental or political causes attract not only attention from Gen Z but also promotes long term loyalty.

Conclusion: Emotional connections as a success factor

In the world of Gen Z, creating emotional connections is crucial for brand loyalty. Brand names should not only be creative and authentic but also generate a deep emotional resonance. In the next section we will examine how brand names can integrate Gen Z linguistic trends and slang in order to create a stronger bond.

Foto von Alexander Shatov auf Unsplash